August 5, 2018

Shadows Over London: A Shadow Council Archives Novella

Time Travel and Submarines and Moriarty, oh my!

The exciting sequel to The Depths of Time!

Captain Richard Francis Burton has just returned from his adventure through Time with his sanity barely intact. Now, confronted with memories that are not his own and the sudden disappearance of his fiancée, he must unravel a puzzling new mystery. Summoned by the enigmatic Mycroft Holmes, Burton is tasked with stopping an eldritch cult before it takes hold of all of London. It will take all of the legendary explorer’s vaunted skills to survive shoggoths and the machinations of the villainous Professor Moriarty as he races to stop the mysterious King in Yellow from unleashing a chaos older than time.

The Shadow Council Archives are novellas that take place in the world of Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter, as folk heroes from around the world battles monsters through time, their adventures collected in the collection of the legendary band of heroes known as The Shadow Council.

Books available in the Shadow Council Archives – Sir Richard Francis Burton series
Season 1: Shadows through Time (The Fantastical Adventures of Sir Richard Francis Burton Book 1) (available as a collected season or individually in Books 1-4)
Book 1: The Depths of Time
Book 2: Shadows over London
Book 3: The Dream Key
Book 4: The Map of Time

Shadows over London is available for purchase at our partner distributors: